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    Waterproof & Submersible for Cleaning
    Measurements: 12 lb x 0.1 oz / 12 lb x 0.005 lb / 12 lb x 1/8 oz / 192 oz x 0.05 oz / 192 oz x 1/8 oz / 5,500 g x 1 g
    Instantly Displays Weight in Both Decimals and Fractions
    1.2-in/30-mm High Backlit LCD
    High/Low Check weighing with Audible Over/Under Alert
    Toggle Through Six Different Weight Capacity Display Options
    Includes AC adapter and rechargeable battery
    Size: 7.5 in W x 9.75 in D x 2.25 in H

    Scale- Waterproof, capacity max: 12 lbs.
    SKU: WPS12